Central Iowa Teens Encounter Christ
Central Iowa Teens Encounter Christ

What We Believe


  • We believe in God as 3 persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and that all three were present in creation and all three are present in the salvation and sanctification of those who call on the name of Jesus to be saved. 
  • We believe God created man in his own image and man distorted this in the fall, when Adam and Eve first sinned.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ died for the sins of mankind, thereby opening the way to God the Father forever.
  • We believe the Holy Spirit’s ministry is to fill and empower those whose sins have been forgiven and have accepted Christ’s atoning sacrifice and to lead them into all truth and to point everyone to Christ. 
  • We believe God raised Christ from the dead and Jesus is seated at God's right hand, alive and interceding for believers who are led by God's Holy Spirit.  


Contact Us

TEC #85 November 21-24 Lynnville Friends Church, Lynnville, Iowa

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Worker meeting dates:

(For TEC #85)

October 20 from 2-4:00

November 3 from 2-4:30

November 10 from 2-4:30

November 17 from 2-4:30


Future TEC Dates

TEC #86 Pella (TBD)


TEC #87 Osky


TEC #87 Osky

 ***Tentitive dates and locations pending church approval and CAN change at anytime***





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© Central Iowa Teens Encounter Christ